If you want to order products from NMN Plastic, please follow the simple steps according to the information above
First, call hotline: 094 6570505 or email address: info@nhuaminhnguyen.com
Second, request information on the production of processed products from NMN via the hotline or search on the website about products made from plastic. Choose the appropriate plastic products for your desired requirements.
Third, after choosing the product you like, click on the box to buy immediately or ask for advice. Then a new window appears, enter the information required by the system and complete the online ordering process. When calling the consulting hotline, talk to the staff on the phone and the staff will send the plastic product link to your email and select the product according to your request again.
Fourth, wait for the company to confirm the order information and verify the previously requested information and proceed to pay, receive and deliver the ordered products from Minh Nguyen Plastic.